What is Kinesio Tape?
Kinesio Tape is technique we use to treat all kinds of issues and injuries. Most people are familiar with athletic tape, but Kinesio taping is different. White athletic tapes restrict movement and restrict blood flow. Kinesio tape supports and increases flexibility.It can even increase blood flow to an area. It’s made of 100% cotton, and it’s elastic, hypoallergenic, and latex-free. Its thickness and weight allows for full functional movement and far less restriction than traditional tapes. You can also wear it for up to 5 consecutive days. It’s also water resistant. Many people associate taping with athletes. However, most Kinesio tape techniques were developed for non-athletic uses.
How do you use it?
This technique stabilizes and supports a joint such as a shoulder, knee or elbow. It can also support injuries such as a neck that has experienced whiplash. If you have an injury or have had surgery that is causing swelling, Kinesio tape may help to decrease it. It decreases pressure between your skin and the tissue underneath. This allows excess fluids that have accumulated since your injury to move through. Taping can also help with dealing with scar tissue. After an injury scar tissue can often form which inhibits your range of motion and mobility. Taping can gently pull on scar tissue. It stays on for long period of time. This gives you a long term but low intensity stretch to the tight scar tissue. The benefits can be big, but leave this kind of taping to the professionals.
It Takes an Expert
Applying might seem simple, but not just anyone can do it. When we correctly apply the tape it can be complicated. With some applications you need to move you body a certain way during taping, or we use a specific amount of tension to get results. This makes it very difficult to apply if you don’t have the correct training. You also need a knowledge of the underlying anatomy that you are working with. However, all of our therapists are trained experts with Kinesio tape. If taping can help with your current problem, our therapists can get you taped and experiencing the maximum benefits.
Written by Tom Farnsworth PT